West Craven Tarheel League

Established in 2024
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization
West Craven Tarheel League is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization. We are currently seeking sponsors for the inaugural 2025 Spring Baseball Season.
Gold Sponsor - $1,000 - Includes recognition at our opening ceremonies, social media sponsorship acknowledgement, logo on sponsorship sign under appropriate sponsorship level, and recognition throughout the season as presenter of our player of the week.
Silver Sponsor - $500 - Includes recognition at our opening ceremonies, social media sponsorship acknowledgement, and logo on sponsorship sign under appropriate sponsorship level.
Bronze Sponsor - $250 - Includes recognition at our opening ceremonies, social media sponsorship acknowledgement, and business name on sponsorship sign under appropriate sponsorship level.
What will your sponsorship pay for?
All money taken in from sponsors will be used to purchase uniforms for our players, including a jersey and hat.
Additional sponsorship money will also be used to cover other league expenses, such as equipment needs and umpire fees.
**Team names will be modeled after MLB teams. Sponsor's name will not appear on jerseys or hats.
You may register as a sponsor and pay online or checks, made payable to West Craven Tarheel League, may be mailed to Jessi Mills, 1470 Piney Neck Rd, Vanceboro, NC 28586.
For additional information, you may reach out to West Craven Tarheel League's President, Chris Elks, Jr.
@ 252.474.3702.
Gold and Silver Sponsors: Please email your logo to WestCravenTarheelLeague@gmail.com