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Registration Dates: 1/1/2025 - 3/15/2025


PRICE:  $50 per player



T-ball, Ages 4-6, MUST be 4 by May 1 and MUST not turn 7 before May 1

Coach Pitch (8U), Ages 7-8, MUST be 7 by May 1 and MUST not turn 9 before May 1

Minor (10U), Ages 9-10, MUST be 9 by May 1 and MUST not turn 11 before May 1

Major (12U), Ages 11-12, MUST be 11 by May 1 and MUST not turn 13 before May 1


T-ball and Rookie are both co-ed while minor and major league will be boys only. We will consider adding softball for girls ages 9-12 next year if there is enough interest.



All games and practices will be held at West Craven Park located in Vanceboro, NC. 



Evaluations will be held on March 22nd. Only Rookie, Minor, and Major league will take part in evaluations. T-ball will still attend on this date as well, but will not be evaluated. 


With the exception of our first games that will be held the day of our Opening Ceremonies, which will occur on 4/26 @ 11am, games will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings, although there could be changes to this as we are still ironing out scheduling details. 



Practice days and times will be released after teams are formed. Practices could be on weekday evenings and/or weekends. This will be determined by both the coach and field availability.



Registration fees can be paid by cash or check by contacting someone from the league to turn in your form and payment, check payments may also be returned by mail with your registration form to Jessi Mills, 1470 Piney Neck Rd, Vanceboro, NC 28586, or you can register and pay online by following this link: ⁦


**Please note that if you register today, and choose not to pay, registration may be voided if payment is not received by 3/15!
For more information you can reach out to any of the following:

League Contacts:

President, Chris Elks, Jr. 252.474.3702

Vice-President, Paul Mills, 252.229.3116

Secretary Treasurer, Jessi Mills, 252.474.7833

Board Member, Justin Morris, 252.670.7638

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